April 2022
Sterling Warner
Bio Note: A Washington based author, poet, and educator, my poems and stories have appeared in many international literary magazines, journals and anthologies such as the Eunioa Review, Verse-Virtual, and Anti-Heroin Chic. My most recent poetry/fiction collections include Serpent’s Tooth: Poems, Masques: Flash Fiction & Short Stories, and Flytraps (2022). Currently, I enjoy writing, turning wood, participating in virtual poetry readings, and fishing along the Hood Canal.
Vapor Trails
A single wing glides then slices through Twilight Zone clouds its steady, unexceptional carriage gains momentum, builds grandeur as it soars through the troposphere resisting an alluring cirrus vortex daring navigators & pilots to dive into uncharted black holes, explore murky depths & endure an ice cycle baptism from rudder to fuselage, cockpit to tail, turbines to stabilizers. My best poems like vapor trails exist in a moment, lag behind me then dissipate amid smoky condensation that defy longevity’s imprints as evasive as oddly familiar stranger’s faces encountered in a dreamscape. Quixotic convictions dissemble, suggest creativity lingers in beads of sweat. Inspired. Patient. Words wait to take flight like sliver birds while overcast skies invite fresh verse to rest atop rainbow arcs like temporal contrails.
Caterpillars curled inside their chrysalis pupae evolved with colored appendages expressing attitude, longing for flight dusting flowers with pollen, lapping nectar as we children chased & caught them in nets crafted from Mother’s old nylons, dropping butterflies into mayonnaise jars where mounds of cotton balls doused with chloroform waited to anesthetize beauty & preserve trophies prior to pinning lifeless polychromatic forms to refrigerator boxes cut into rectangles like two-dimensional tack boards displaying & holding specimens that revived at midnight like a swallowtail-monarch carousel when sedation elapsed, spiracles opened, thoraxes stirred & revitalized wings fluttered.
©2022 Sterling Warner
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL