April 2022
Bio Note: I live in Wisconsin, enjoy spending time outdoors, listening to and identifying birds, hiking and walking, admiring, practicing gratitude along the way. My poems, artwork, and photography appear in print and online. My most recent poetry collection, As If Labyrinth – Pandemic Inspired Poems, was released in 2021 by Kelsay Books.
Marmota monax Overcast and a fifty-percent chance of rain a woodchuck stands motionless His hind feet balance as the hairs on his tail straighten He plays statue and so do I I've alarmed the poor critter this rodent of many names groundhog red monk whistlepig I grew up calling them woodchucks I liked repeating the tongue twister How much wood would a woodchuck chuck As a kid I discovered one in our basement Dad ushered the creature out the cellar door It's March nearing April one of the drabbest and messiest months Instead of snow mounds of dirt peppered with pop cans and other litter line the roadside Most people aren't fond of March though I am It's Mom's birth month and its unpleasant appearance is the first sign of spring I've compared March to the unpolished sounds of a first act grin and bear it until the headliner arrives Thinking of spring I've lost sight of Chuck He's run off toward his burrow back to the safety of his underground home He's unsure of humans At times aren't we all?
You Know What to Do
As if nudges early light nestles within leaflets Stems glow where the gentle jogs of day settle between the dense foliage of oxalis As greenery radiates eases your gray fatigue Santa’s waving motion catches your eye A few holiday whatnots remain including the festive fella with the perpetual wave From across the room you watch the rotation of his left arm a velvety cheer enters your being His battery has yet to fail nor will yours Like summer boaters the ones who send sweeping greetings from across the lake you remember joy generates joy After the glacial months warmth is an event of elation You know what to do how to recharge your leaden lens you’ll wrap your body in layers of clothing head outside into your seasonal disorder and like your sunroom Santa you’ll wave to everyone you encounter on your subzero walk until you’re fully charged for you know any message of joy generates more joy
©2022 Jeannie E. Roberts
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to say what it is about the poem you like. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL