November 2021
Irving Feldman
Bio Note: Born and raised in Coney Island, I'm a Coney Island patriot. And a squash racquets
fanatic. My headstone is to read, "One More Game?" I am the author of Collected Poems 1954-2004
(Schocken Books 2004) and Usable Truths: Aphorisms & Observations (Waywiser Press 2019). A number
of my readings can be found here: Irving Feldman readings.
Words Out of Place
Somewhere, say, a slip-slopping mash or mush or bubbling bog of abandoned name tags on a ballroom floor frugging the wee hours through. Pop. Sigh. Balloons release their airy souls. Prepare themselves for damper, graver spirits. A streamer untwists its silvery slight being. The silent flotilla sways to the gurgles of the gala's ankle-deep, salt, cold champagne, sloshes knee-high now in the great gashed vessel —doing a last dance with A with B with C.... Nearby, nameless swimmers in darkness kick out, thrashing in the seawind-tormented wash...when the stenciled life-raft of a NO SWIMMING sign, sky-high atilt atop the last wave in the world, comes drop-drop-dropping into range, in reach. Some avid readers—keen-eyed, and literate, and literal-minded, and obedient— get it brilliantly and for dear life hang on. * And somewhere for a while a wind forsakes a leaflet blown against some desert rocks. Wind, wind has gone away—gone back for more. One leaflet face up under the sunny azure. Surrender! Surrender! Surrender Your City! Or Suffer! Suffer! Suffer Consequences! the page cries out to the populace of sand. Gingerly, three jackals hearken, and sniff. Lift up heads and ask the sun. Ask wind, Wind, whereof do you speak? Delicate, astute, tongue touches S. Snake bit? Worm stung? Home.Quick.Tongue.Come. —Smoke! And,yes,squiggle,,mm...sangre. Alpha (first), then Beta, then Gamma initial selfsame with showers of fine flourishes, attesting Alpha, et al.—the real guys and brothers, true owners, heirs and sole assigns in perpetuity of turf hereabouts and out as far as eye sees from boulder yon to yonder scree—have read and duly noted Stuff. * The fierce maenads of existence keep tearing The Dictionary into deep, inscrutable blizzards of Orphic confetti, swirling up, and down on the stream parading its passage. And, loveliest foam, the syllables, riding, sing this moving beauty of the moment's novel body. Nor will the river be as it was before words were set to water.
©2021 Irving Feldman
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the author (email address above) to tell her or him. You might say what it is about the poem that moves you. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual. It is very important. -JL