May 2021
John L. Stanizzi
Author's Note: This new book, a follow-up to POND, comprises a group of poems in a kind of hybrid
ekphrastic format. I'll explain. I always have my camera with me and along my drives to "wherever," if I see a nice
"potential" photo op., I take the picture. When I get home I write about the photos I took. In that sense, the poems
are not "purely" ekphrastic; rather, they are "something like" ekphrastic. All the photos were taken in Coventry or
Mansfield, small sister towns out in the midst of Windham County, in the far eastern part of Connecticut.
Sea Cairn

Photo credit: John L. Stanizzi
I sang in my chains like the sea. Dylan Thomas —Fern Hill. For Sam Norman -Bottom stone the sea circles around you to whisper an essential truth but you refuse to listen singing woefully in your chains -Second stone you lean toward the waves which comes as a surprise to some something calls out to you to encourage you to speak for yourself a man stands alone too overwhelmed to consider any of what is being said -Third stone you hold the second stone securely like your lover yet depend on the fourth to influence the wind the salt-spray your absolute flatness in this tremulous world -Fourth stone could you be conjoined you face each other with such intensity that you create the illusion of needing no one else -Fifth stone why are you wet did the sea choose you to bless and make glisten? -Sixth stone perfect egg wind-tattooed penultimate jewel in the broad face of the gale -Top stone at the ready blue sky or black there is no lock no key just the unexpected barely heard or seen soon the sea rises up around you and closes your eyes probably forever
©2021 John L. Stanizzi
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the
author (email address above) to tell her or him. You might say what it is about the poem that moves you. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual.
It is very important. -JL