May 2021
Author's Note: There is so much harshness, so much judgement, so much callousness around us.
I think it's important to understand our own worth, our own ability to contribute to the world, and not be
swayed by those who see us as somehow never perfect enough. As Aesop said "No act of kindness, however small,
is ever wasted." I really like that. (My apologies to ornitologists everywhere for the photo - it's a raven,
not a crow, but the sentiment is real.)
unfinished business
i am old in a place where obsolescence is odious rotund in a region that rages against roundness uncomely in a country where ugliness is unacceptable but i have unfinished business that will not wait for public approbation or perverse popularity miles and miles and miles to go before my final sleep
weep for the crow

Photo credit: j.lewis
murderous gatherings and numbered portent layered over with coarse raspy, harsh, grating excuses for song and the boldness of no color at all and ultimately no attraction except their stubborn refusal to limit intelligence to cranial capacity or love to preconceived disdain for indiscriminate scavengers stand aside for the poet who bends to gather a wounded rumple of feathers that will not survive the day remembering the proud measured steps the knowing gleam in the eye of this black-suited yardmaster who knew him by sound and sight stand aside and wonder why he weeps when you do not
©2021 j.lewis
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the
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It is very important. -JL