February 2021
Russel Winick
Bio Note: I recently began writing poetry at nearly age 65, after ending a long career
as an attorney. Langston Hughes’ work greatly appealed to me when I studied poetry in junior high
school, and it remains a primary inspiration to this day.
Marriage Story
The wife complained about the husband Every chance she had, And frequently got in his face With all that she deemed bad. Her friends had gotten rather used To hearing her complaints. They loved her but wished privately That she’d employ restraint. Then one day after decades of Their never-ending fights, The husband said “goodbye,” With a new woman in his sights. But instantly the wife switched into ‘Round the clock attack, Designed – at friends’ astonishment – To get her husband back. For several years she begged the husband “Please come home to me!” Insisting it was best for all And they’d live happily. With years of pressure not just from His wife but children too, The husband dropped the lover Then came home to start anew. So from that big day forward And through all years which remained, The couple stayed together, And each day – the wife complained.
She made a comment To which he responded, Reaction created by More than her words. It also was influenced By prior statements, Not only her own But from others he’s heard. Her tone of voice further Affected his answer, And what he’s connected That tone with before. Reactions aren’t just in Immediate context, Emotions have history, Recent and more. People are complex, We don’t always realize Just why we do things, Our whole life’s involved. Discerning and changing, The challenge of growing, Reactions are a mystery Crucial to solve.
©2021 Russel Winick
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the
author (email address above) to tell her or him. You might say what it is about the poem that moves you. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual.
It is very important. -JL