February 2021
Bio Note: I resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales.
Three hundred stories and poems published so far, and six books. I work the other side of writing at Bewildering
Stories, where I sit on the review board and manage a posse of six review editors.
Refrozen snow has an ugly look, ill-used by the elements, no longer true to itself, a stained, icy lawn shroud ambushing the unwary.
The shadowed corners of my granted wishes leach into my next desires. Completeness exists in birth and death and maybe love, but otherwise I find a cavity in every golden apple.
As She Lays
Granite on mud, the sharp edges of unknown memorial. Tides of noisy toxic kept past iron fencing as tentacles of stale air envelop a formal name, her exotic phiz forgotten.
©2021 Ed Ahern
Editor's Note: If this poem(s) moves you please consider writing to the
author (email address above) to tell her or him. You might say what it is about the poem that moves you. Writing to the author is what builds the community at Verse Virtual.
It is very important. -JL