September 2016
E D I T O R ' S N O T E
Dear Verse-Virtual Villagers,
Since the optional theme for September was FOOD, you will find in this issue some very fine reading-fare (and eating-fare if you'd like a "byte" of something digital). Make sure to heartily partake of this grand feast. There's something for everyone. Take a taste and please let the chef know if you enjoyed his or her culinary creation.
I know that themes are popular, but I still like issues without a theme, so October will have no theme.
However, in view of the approach of Veterans Day and Election Day, the OPTIONAL theme for November will be MY AMERICA. I have no doubt I will receive incredible submissions on this topic.
Our new feature — book reviews and articles — seems to be doing well. This month we have a review by Leighanna Schesser of a book by J.C. Elkin, an article by Steve Klepetar, and, of course, our monthly column, David Graham's "Poetic License." If you want to write an article or book review, please email me. [ ]
I can't believe I'm already working on the October issue. If you want to submit some poems please do so during the first two weeks in September.
Thanks, as always, for your enthusiasm and support.
Sincerely yours,