March 2016
Ken Slaughter
Recently retired, I live in Massachusetts, with my wife and two cats. I worked for many years in Information Technology, and have been writing poetry most of my life. I was recently elected Vice President of the Tanka Society of America, beginning in 2016. Tanka has been my primary focus since I began writing and publishing these little poems in 2011. I find that tanka is a great way to capture significant moments in life, in a way that resonates with others who have had similar experiences.
A few of my recently published tanka:
scent of rain
rising from the pavement
after a storm
the few things
I still believe
just after
he says the word
I hear the silence
by a mid-October
swirling wind
the bitter beauty
of rust-colored trees
spent blossoms
in a vase by the sink
too late
for that phone call
I didn’t make
a honk behind me
as the red light changes
to green…
I’m half a second slower
than my life
on a walk
after a sudden fight
we hold hands
fumbling to find
our familiar grip
roots so deep
I can’t pull them out
this life
that doesn’t know
it’s only a weed
Credits: scent of rain first published in Sonic Boom 4; shaken first published in Cattails January 2015;spent blossoms first published in Red Lights 11.3; a honk behind me, on a walk and roots so deep first published in Spent Blossoms – the Tanka Society of America 2015 anthology;
©2016 Ken Slaughter