July 2016
Gary Glauber
I live with my wife in a northern exurb of Westchester. My poems derive from human nature and my mind has been shaped by years of pop culture: countless hours of music, films, television, news, and more. Through teaching, I get to share my love of literature and the importance of responsible journalism. My poems and short stories have been published in numerous journals. My first collection, Small Consolations (Aldrich Press), can be found on Amazon.com. A chapbook, Memory Marries Desire, will be out momentarily. It can be ordered at FinishingLinePress.com.
You were the woman crouched
back in the lower acres of the meadow,
under the umbrella of that distant elm,
a yellow skirt fluttering in the balmy breeze,
a bushel of threshed grain collected
as your prize, your set piece,
the landscape’s silent focal point.
You were its punishment,
as well as its peace rewarded,
a soul aligned with its environs,
remote from the politics that attend
our daily chores here, the painful
naked honesty of our respective labors.
Someday you’ll be some child’s mother,
but in this moment’s particular freedom,
your eager smile conveys youthful instinct,
an innocent faith that has yet to learn
the ravages of unpainted time,
the raw truths that art cannot capture.
First published in Northwind Magazine
©2016 Gary Glauber