April 2016
Joan Mazza
I started writing poetry in 1998 after writing mostly fiction and non-fiction. Poetry has been a daily practice since 2011, and a lifeline and tranquilizer during a long recovery when I had a serious accident and crushed the top of my tibia. My work has been published in a variety of literary magazines, but the writing process offers the most satisfaction. In addition to poetry, I do fabric and paper art deep in the woods of central Virginia. www.JoanMazza.com
Write something
I tell myself
every morning. Don’t think
too much. Don’t expect
to make sense. Start with
an image or a phrase
that’s bumping your forehead.
Grab it by the smallest
thread and pull gently.
Keep tugging as it unravels
into wavy curls in a heap
at your feet. Sort colors later.
Snip or knit them
in a few months.
Just show up, the muse says.
And, I told you so.
My muse doesn’t sweet talk,
won’t make deals, refuses
to say my words are eloquent.
She never promises prizes.
Rework that; it’s a mess.
At least you have
something to revise.
©2016 Joan Mazza