September 2015
I am the author of seven poetry books. I have poems featured in numerous worldwide publications , including Prairie Poetry, The Heron’s Nest, Poems Niederngasse, Newtopia, and Barefoot Review. My hobbies are golf, reading whatever book happens to catch my eye, and gardening. I currently reside in Topeka, Kansas.
summer sun
days begin
with each night’s end
time in, time out
the light of love shines
and the dark of hate exists
each balances on a beam
weight shifts
forward and back
even perpetual winners
sometimes lose
i wait to see
wait to feel
what tomorrow
may bring
fortune or misfortune
today is suddenly gone
yesterday, a blinded flash
behind mirrored sunglasses
reflections in a faded sun
like icicles stone-cold in time
jagged frozen moments
hang on life’s eves
waiting to melt
when the warmth comes
but as long as we remember
the unforgettable chill
won’t be forgotten
beneath another summer’s
bleached out sun
©2015 Robert McManes