May 2015
I am a scuba diving, distance running, retired park ranger grandfather living in South Carolina. My work has appeared in a number of publications including: Guernica, Raleigh Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Vinyl Poetry, The Adroit Journal, and The Monarch Review. I've been nominated for Best of the Net, Best New Poets, and three-times for the Pushcart Prize.
Note: Please make sure to read Kevin's Memorial Day poem in my EDITOR'S NOTE. -FF
I Plight Thee My Troth
Not the pruned oaths of a pine-pricked sirocco--
rootbound at the forest’s dare line, its heaving
solar plexus pleading for a more pliant seam
on some distant horizon. Not the sun’s fickle
radiance that underwhelms with a providence
of blown-glass threads and temporal cloud bank
fluorescences. But oaken vows; seminal
and lovely. Fluent vows that intertwine and add
ring years to shaded valleys that tenure gracefully--
imparted faithfully from loblolly bridges
into brook shadow unisons. Footpoints of light
blazing skyways to a rustler’s new moon--
each step-by-step upwelling wetly sweet.
A Touch of Redbud
Spring reconciles the hillside and recalls
her elegance. Bitter arms mellow, then fledge
magenta tufts snatched from nestling in deep
winter pockets. She pardons her renderings
for dazzling celebrity crowds of dogwood
and flowering plum; gently stroking the strut
of assumed preeminence. A rosy, pink supporting
role for a genial, gracious lady.
Magnificent Deliverance
I stand silent and measured at the first stretch
mark of a giant ponderosa; suffocating from
having been force-fed the sun, crestfallen
at the forest's profound significance. Not totally
unaware of my shortcomings, yet, bent on feigning
guilt for their entanglements; the teething sprigs
still overreaching boughs, pining for more sugar tit
and cooler west winds. And, like the swan song
larks of Rome when all her trees had finished
weeping. I will one day nestle into pine straw,
fill my lungs with spent, and fold into the roots
of that same healing.
©2015 Kevin Heaton