May 2015
I'm close to completing my MFA in Creative Writing at Queens University of Charlotte's low residency program. I spend my free time reading and writing poems, getting together with friends, and watching movies. My poems have been published in Sonic Boom,
The Camel Saloon, and Eunoia Review.
The Camel Saloon, and Eunoia Review.
Finding My Mother's Memories
I found your journal
in a stack of papers you kept
on your bed, almost under your
pillows, and next to the blanket
you had since you were a child.
I ran my fingers along the raised
flowers on the cover before I
opened it, I'm not sure why
I did. Scrawled on the first pages,
was an entry about how a boy
you kissed died in a car accident,
how your English tutor died on the train
tracks outside your home, and how you
thought the locomotives passing
in the night sounded like firecrackers
whizzing through the air.
Visiting My Mother
I flicked the business card
for St. Andrews with my thumb
as I stared out the window
of my mother's hospital room.
All I could see, was a broken
generator, gravel, and a bit
of empty road. Rosary beads,
wrapped loosely around a wooden
cross like string lights,
sat on the table beside her.
I wished the rain pelting
the glass would wash us away.
I Found a Picture of Us
in my rusted Camry, it was
lodged between the vinyl
panels in the backseat. In it,
we were standing on a mountain
with our arms stretched out
like pinned bat wings. We were
smiling, I was smiling, you
were laughing with your head
thrown back, as if your neck
were made of modeling clay.
Beneath us, a canopy of pines
and dying oaks. Our feet planted
in pebbles and pieces of broken
boulders. Written on the back,
in your hand writing that twists
around itself, was a note about
someone's birthday. I can't place
myself in the photo, or remember
how your hair looked like spun
silk. Have no idea whose
birthday it was.
©2015 Donald Paris