December 2015
Sudeep Adhikari
A native of Kathmandu, Nepal, I consider poetry to be an impersonal act, largely deriving its content from unconscious psychic undergrounds. As a PhD in structural engineering, I work as a structural consultant/part-time lecturer and spend my leisure time traversing the space between the profound and the nonsensical.
Silence Nothingness
Space, time; a leper and a Tathagata
I asked Buddha about the endless myths
of their origin and apocalypse
and all I hear is silence
of quantum-mechanical void.
I have felt more than I have seen
and I have painted more than I have felt
the "unsayable plentitude" of Wittgenstein
bubbles just below my skin;
I shut up when I feel as full
as the pregnant python
OD'ing on an overweight croc.
"Things, we must pass over in silence ".
Often I listen to John Cage
and his 4 minutes and 33 seconds
of indivisibly-layered mesh of noise and silence;
Call it soul and body, matter and mind,
black and white or any yin-yang whatevers
because in my psychocosm,
the anti-particles are not really antithetical.
I sometimes name things
or speak or curse or do a little poetry
in the language of vomits and coughs,
for the things that are Buddha's unsayable
and need to be passed over in Wittgensteinian's silence;
Yes, "Saying the things anyway"
sort of Cagean aesthetics.
My head, most of the time
is "Buddha, Wittgenstein, and Cage
in a bar-brawl," with a face.
©2015 Sudeep Adhikari