August 2015
I have a word puzzle problem and fall asleep on crosswords regularly—sometimes the evidence is visible. I'm from Selma, Alabama, and I teach composition at Mississippi State University. My poems have appeared in Storm Cellar Quarterly and in Sixfold. I also serve as Poetry Editor for Blinders Journal.
Post-Bucket List
Bring to your funeral
a tie-tack you never wore
clipped on a tie you never owned.
Bring a taut lip and skin
brushed or airbrushed,
pale and powdered.
So many people are coming.
Bring to your funeral a good line
for the marker. Try to whisper
it to your brother. Hope
you can whisper, he can hear.
Bring to your funeral a video
saying goodbye, see-you (or not),
a montage, a will, your will,
a fistful, a mouthful of dirt.
©2015 Jessica M. Lockhart