September 2014
Harvey O’Leary was born in Cork, Ireland. Since graduating from University College Cork, he has lived in London, working as a teacher and educational manager. He has published articles and poetry, and a play, Closing Time, which he co-authored, was staged at the Battersea Arts Centre, London. He published his first novel Nidiya and The Children of The Revolution in 2010.
Six Poems
I The Roast
There was a young critic who’d boast
That writers existed to roast.
Alive or dead,
They simply were bread
With which to enjoy making toast.
II A Sign
There’s only one sign over every door:
Mark that to readers; give them hopelessness,
When they come to you with hope in their heart,
Quash it.
III Reputations
Curious the reputation
Made with a photo.
Snap soldiers in action
And you’re a hero;
But stalk the well-known
And you’re PAPARAZZO.
IV A Name
Something slightly inhuman
About a three named person.
It is less an appellation,
And more a declaration
Of the irresistible,
Or something immovable.
V Cartoon
While there’s no resurrection in the tomb
What might emerge in time is a cartoon,
A badly drawn outline perhaps filled
With the primary colours we distilled
And promulgated when we were alive
To say a little something, and survive.
VI Icon
Sharp as bone
The film icon
Suggests survival,
Being immortal,
Even though
The work’s a dodo.
©2014 Harvey O'Leary